La Cuisine Cooking School


Holistic cooking classes in Asheville, NC inspired by Chinese, French, and Macrobiotic food cultures

Class Offerings

Adult Cooking Classes

Weekly Classes

Small groups

@North Asheville Kitchen

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Teen Cooking Classes

Teen Cooking Open Houses (Spring/Summer)

Afterschool Cooking Program (Autumn 2024)

@North Asheville Kitchen
Mobile kitchen coming soon

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Private Groups

By reservation only

Customized menus

@North Asheville Kitchen
Mobile kitchen coming soon

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“Yummy + Educational + Communal”

“My lineage is from China, while I grew up in California. I’ve been missing Asian food since moving to AVL, and wanted inspo for meal prep, so went to two of Kimberly’s classes, Chinese Family Style and Chinese Celebration. I’ve since made stir fry noodles at home, sweet and sour stir fry, and learned dumplings! Even got inspired to mochi just from talking about it! Love Kimberly’s company and preparing food in a group — was a social reprieve from my usual food routine.”

— Rye Lee


  • We value high quality throughout every part of the cooking cycle, in addition to how we teach. This includes sourcing ingredients first from local and organic farms in our community, and supplementing at organic stores. We are not rigid and enjoy exotic foods for special occasions. We take pride in continually improving the art of transmission and how we share our knowledge.

  • To commune over food is a basic human activity that cultivates togetherness. Culture is alive and we are the creators, largely in how we choose to eat every day. We choose local farmers and sources of food, and we choose to slow down and be present with the joy of eating. This also feeds our health.

  • This word has inundated our world and therefore its meaning has become confusing with all the information available. We carefully share our version of what “healthy” means to us. It is related to quality, and also includes a holistic view of the cooking cycle, from sourcing to chewing to cleaning. And maintaining fun throughout!