About La Cuisine 尋味廚房

La Cuisine 尋味廚房 is an educational organization focused on revitalizing our community’s relationship with food and nourishment. We value preserving food traditions from cultures we are close to and carrying them forward to support our modern lives.

We offer holistic cooking classes for adults and teens incorporating Chinese, French, and Macrobiotic food cultures.

Outside of the classroom kitchen environment, we also host seasonal family friendly “slow food” gatherings that include making traditional Chinese treats. This is an informal way for folks in the community to celebrate and share or explore their own food culture.

Our vision includes eventually cooking and eating with children of all ages.

La Cuisine means “the kitchen” in French, and 尋味廚房 means “kitchen of exploring flavors” in Chinese. We wish to share the delight and adventure that is possible in the kitchen!

Kimberly Dunn 江慧穎

Founder & Teaching Chef

Kimberly was born into a biracial family with a mother from Taiwan/China and an American father of northern European descent. Having grown up in this multicultural setting, Kimberly’s interest in languages and other cultures began early. Captivated by eastern philosophy and wellness, she was motivated to learn languages (Chinese & French), cooking and nutrition, and music.

Upon graduating from UNC Chapel Hill in 2013, she moved to Shanghai where she continued learning Chinese while also teaching yoga classes and hosting retreats for five years. In 2018, she was diagnosed with early cervical cancer and was propelled into a deeper journey of holistic health and nutrition. She moved to France on sabbatical, where she spent a couple years focused on healing and continuing her culinary and nutritional education through a macrobiotics training.

Returning to the US in 2021, Kimberly now calls Asheville and the Appalachian mountains her home. She is inspired to share her cultural, culinary, and healing experiences through the offerings of La Cuisine 尋味廚房.

Jessica AnYing Lee

Assistant Teaching Chef

Bio to come~